How to run multiple PHP versions on one server using Nginx and PHP-fpm on CentOs 7

1. Install Necessary Software:

Make sure you have Nginx and PHP installed on your CentOS server.

2. Install Additional PHP Versions:

You can use a repository like Remi to install multiple PHP versions. Install the repository and the desired PHP versions.

3. Configure PHP-FPM Pools:

For each PHP version, create a separate PHP-FPM pool configuration. The pool configuration files are typically located in /etc/php-fpm.d/. Create a new file for each PHP version, like php74-fpm.conf, and configure the necessary settings.

Sample php74-fpm.conf:

Repeat this step for each PHP version you have installed.

4. Configure Nginx to Use Multiple PHP Versions:

Edit your Nginx server block configuration to include different PHP-FPM sockets for each PHP version.

Sample Nginx configuration:

5. Restart Services:

Restart PHP-FPM and Nginx to apply the changes.

6. Test Configuration:

Create a simple PHP file (info.php) in your web root with the following content:

Access this file in your browser ( to see the PHP version information.

Repeat these steps for each PHP version you want to run on your server. Adjust configurations based on your specific needs and security requirements.



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