Category: nginx
How to run multiple PHP versions on one server using Nginx and PHP-fpm on CentOs 7
1. Install Necessary Software: Make sure you have Nginx and PHP installed on your CentOS server. 2. Install Additional PHP Versions: You can use a repository like Remi to install multiple PHP versions. Install the repository and the desired PHP versions. 3. Configure PHP-FPM Pools: For each PHP version, create a separate PHP-FPM pool configuration.…
How to install PHP-FPM with Nginx on Ubuntu 22.0
To install PHP with Nginx, you’ll need to follow a few steps. Here’s a general guide for setting up PHP with Nginx on a Linux-based system. Please note that specific commands might vary depending on your distribution. 1. Install Nginx: For other distributions, you can use the package manager specific to that distribution. 2. Install…
How to install Nginx on an Amazon EC2 instance
To install Nginx on an Amazon EC2 instance running a Linux-based operating system, you can follow these general steps. Note that the specific commands may vary slightly depending on the Linux distribution you are using. 1. Connect to your EC2 instance: Use SSH to connect to your EC2 instance. Replace your-instance-ip with your actual instance’s…