Category: Linux

  • How to run multiple PHP versions on one server using Nginx and PHP-fpm on CentOs 7

    1. Install Necessary Software: Make sure you have Nginx and PHP installed on your CentOS server. 2. Install Additional PHP Versions: You can use a repository like Remi to install multiple PHP versions. Install the repository and the desired PHP versions. 3. Configure PHP-FPM Pools: For each PHP version, create a separate PHP-FPM pool configuration.…

  • Install phpMyAdmin latest version on Ubuntu

    To install the latest version of phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu, you can follow these steps: 1. Update the package list to ensure you have the latest information about available packages: 2. Install phpMyAdmin: During the installation, you will be prompted to choose a web server. Select either Apache or Nginx, depending on your preference. Use the…